[From Kansai] "Leisurely Travel "Domestic Travel (Train and Plane Tours)

[From Kansai] "Leisurely Travel "Domestic Travel (Train and Plane Tours) [From Kansai] "Leisurely Travel "Domestic Travel (Train and Plane Tours)

Club Tourism 's "Leisurely Travel" tour special! A relaxed itinerary that doesn't involve long distance walking. We will provide you with a relaxed and comfortable bus ride, Meals, and Accommodation! This tour was created based on your feedback, so please join us.

To Hokkaido

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • Use the one-way Hakodate! The distance traveled by bus has been reduced as much as possible.
  • Accommodation at Noboribetsu Onsen, one of Hokkaido 's most famous hot springs.
  • The ocean stretches out before your eyes! Enjoy the spectacular view from the open-air bath. (2nd night at Yunokawa Onsen)
  • Please enjoy Hokkaido gourmet food such as Otaru nigiri sushi and Shiraoi beef.

There's more! Hokkaido tours

To Tohoku


To Hokuriku


To Kanto

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • Accommodation at Karuizawa Mampei Hotel, which will reopen Oct. 2024
    Accommodation in 3 classic hotels
  • 東京ステーションホテルで優雅な昼食
  • Use the green car on the Shinkansen and the bus with a vanity and toilet and spacious seating

There's more! Kanto tours


To Koshinetsu


To Kansai

To Chugoku/ Shikoku

To Kyushu


To Okinawa

Tours recommended by our staff


  • 一度は行きたい離島・久米島へご案内。絶景のはてのはまへもご案内します
  • 3泊目は当社Sランクホテル・HIYORIオーシャンリゾート沖縄へ宿泊します
  • 3泊とも上質のホテルをご用意。島の風景とともに贅沢な時間をお過ごしください

There's more! Okinawa tours

Mystery Tour

Themed Travel over 65s only

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