[From Tokai] Sapporo trip/Sapporo tour

Click here for a special feature on popular tourist spots in Hokkaido
[From Tokai] Sapporo trip/Sapporo tour [From Tokai] Sapporo trip/Sapporo tour

Club Tourism 's special feature on tours to enjoy Sapporo, Hokkaido. Sapporo is a compact city where everything in Hokkaido comes together. There are many sights to see, and you can enjoy gourmet food and sweets from all over Hokkaido. We introduce tours that include Accommodation in the city and tours around Hokkaido. It's easy to search for and book tours. With a tour conductor, you'll be well supported!

Recommended Sapporo Tour


Tour of the three major cities of Sapporo, Otaru and Hakodate




  • 選べる朝の大冒険(カナディアンカヌーまたは原生林ウォーク)
  • 人気の旭山動物園に約120分滞在
  • 然別湖でネイチャーガイドによるナイトウォッチング



  • 旭山動物園ではたっぷり約180分の滞在!
  • 札幌ではテレビ塔タワー入場付き
  • クマ牧場でエサやり体験も!
  • ズワイガニ足・ステーキ・いくら食べ放題のビュッフェの夕食

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