World Heritage Tours and Travel (Domestic) World Heritage Tours and Travel (Domestic)

Leave it to Club Tourism for tours and trips to see Japan's World Heritage sites! Tours with tour guides are safe and comfortable. We introduce many World Heritage sites such as Yakushima, Shirakami Sanchi Mountain Range, and the Atomic Bomb Dome, as well as recommended tours. Tour search and booking are also easy.

Domestic World Heritage Tour (Travel) Special Domestic World Heritage Tour (Travel) Special

World Heritage Sites in Eastern Japan


Shiretoko, located at the eastern end Hokkaido and facing Sea of Okhotsk, and its coastal waters are registered.

Jomon ruins in Hokkaido and northern Tohoku

A group of 17 ruins located in Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, and Akita Prefecture, including the Sannai-Maruyama Ruins, one of the largest prehistoric settlements in Japan. It was registered as a World Heritage Site in 2021 for its exceptional representation of human life before the advent of agriculture and its sophisticated and complex spiritual culture.

Shirakami Sanchi Mountain Range

This mountainous area stretches over 169.71 km2 from the southwestern part of Aomori Prefecture to the northwestern part of Akita Prefecture, and is registered as a natural heritage site due to its unique beech forests.

Hiraizumi- Architecture, gardens and archaeological sites representing the Buddhist Pure Land

The magnificent Golden Culture Heritage Sites, including Buddhist temples and Pure Land gardens, have been recognized as splendid examples of regional culture in the transitional period from ancient times to the Middle Ages and have been registered.

Gold Mine of Sado Island

It was registered as a World Heritage Site in 2024 as a relic that demonstrates a gold production system that deepened traditional handicraft production techniques and an appropriate production system, and extracted gold in accordance with the characteristics of the mine.

Shrines and Temples of Nikko

Nikko Toshogu Shrine, Nikko Futarasan Shrine, and Nikko are registered as examples of the perfect Gongen-zukuri style.

Tomioka Silk Mill and Silk Industry Heritage Sites


The factory, constructed in 1872, has been preserved almost exactly as it was at the time, and is a significant building as the birthplace of a company that contributed to the modernization of Japanese industry.

National Museum of Western Art

Photo courtesy of the National Museum of Western Art

There are three museums in the world that embody the idea of an "infinitely growing museum" that Le Corbusier pursued for many years, and one of them is the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno.

Ogasawara Islands

The Ogasawara Islands were named as the "Galapagos of the Orient" in recognition of the unique evolution of their flora and fauna.

Mount Fuji - an object of worship and a source of artistic inspiration

Mount Fuji is deeply connected to the faith and aesthetic sense of the Japanese people, and is recognized and registered as a famous mountain that continues to inspire people to this day.

Shirakawa-go and Gokayama-style Villages

Shirakawa-go The three villages of Ogimachi, Gokayama, Aikura, and Suganuma are registered as World Heritage sites.

World Heritage Sites in Western Japan

Mozu-Furuichi Burial Mounds

The Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group is scattered across the cities of Sakai, Habikino, and Fujiidera in Osaka Prefecture.
The area is home to a total of 49 registered ancient tombs in 45 locations, including the tomb of Emperor Nintoku, the largest in Japan, and ranging in size and shape.


This is a general term for temples and other structures located in the Nara City area of Nara Prefecture, and includes Todaiji Temple, Kofuku-ji Temple, Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Gangoji Temple, Yakushi-ji Temple, Toshodaiji Temple, Heijo Palace Ruins, and Kasugayama Primeval Forest.


The following temples are registered: Kamo Wakeikazuchi Shrine, Kamo Mioya Shrine, Kyoogokokuji Temple (Toji Temple), Kiyomizu-dera Temple (including Jishu Shrine, which is now separated), Enryaku-ji Temple, Daigoji Temple, Nijo Byodoin Temple, Ujigami Shrine and eight others.

Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area

A total of 48 buildings are registered, including 47 buildings belonging to Horyu-ji Temple and one building belonging to Hokki-ji Temple.

Himeji Castle

It was registered as such due to its excellent construction, which ranks at the pinnacle of wooden architecture, and its functional defensive systems, making it a representative example of castle architecture from the early 16th century in Japan.

Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range

The area includes sacred sites, pilgrimage routes, and the cultural landscapes that surround them, which would not have been possible without the natural environment of the Kii Mountains, which stretch across the three prefectures of Mie, Nara, and Wakayama.

Iwami Ginzan Mine Site and its Cultural Landscape

The mine was registered in recognition of the fact that it has preserved the silver mine, which underwent rapid development, in an extremely good condition and shows the changes that took place in the mine over the 400 years leading up to its closure.

Atomic Bomb Dome (World Peace Memorial)

It is registered as a monument (atomic bombed building) that conveys to the present day the devastation caused by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima City.

Itsukushima Shrine

Known as "Aki no Miyajima," it is one of the "Three Most Scenic Spots of Japan," and its 16-meter-tall torii gate (an Important Cultural Property) is registered as one of the "Three Great Torii Gates of Japan," alongside those of Kasuga Taisha Shrine (Nara Prefecture) and Kehi Shrine (Fukui Prefecture).


The area of 107.47 km2, which is about 21% of the island's area, includes the Yakusugi native forests including Miyanoura-dake in the center of the island and the area around the Western Forest Road.
It is registered as a World Heritage Site.

"The Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region"

The site was registered in recognition of the fact that rituals using many ornaments were performed in prayer for safe voyages and other such purposes, that this belief has been passed down to the present day as a belief unique to Japan, and that a group of ruins related to the powerful ancient clans who held the right to perform the rituals have been left behind, and that this belief continues to this day.

Hidden Christian Sites in Nagasaki and the Amakusa Region

The history and unique traditions of the "Hidden Christians" who secretly continued to practice their faith for over 250 years during the Edo period, when Christianity was banned, were recognized as possessing outstanding universal value, and 12 component parts which represent this have been inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution Heritage
Steel, iron, shipbuilding and coal industries

Gunkanjima (Image)

Centering on the development of three closely related heavy industrial sectors - iron and steel, shipbuilding, and coal mining - the site was registered as a World Heritage Site on Jul. 8, 2015, thanks to physical evidence such as existing historical buildings, civil engineering structures, and ruins, which attest to the extreme importance of Japan's industrialization from a global historical perspective.

Gusuku and Related Properties of the Kingdom of the Ryukyus

Katsuren Castle Ruins

It was registered in recognition of being a heritage site that conveys the ruins and cultural traditions of the Ryukyu Kingdom to the present day, and for conveying Okinawa's traditional forms of faith, such as nature worship and ancestor worship, to the present day.

Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima, northern Okinawa Island and Iriomote Island

Kagoshima Prefecture of Amami Oshima, Tokunoshima, Okinawa Prefecture , Okinawa Motojima Hokubu, Iriomote The island is registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 2021 as a valuable area of remaining biodiversity with many globally rare and endemic species.

Independent Travel (Organized by Kinki Nippon Tourist)

World Heritage Special

Special feature on Japanese castles

Special feature on Japan's national parks

Amami and Okinawa Tour Special

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