Train, ship, and plane trips and tours departing from your town [Departing from Hyogo] Train, ship, and plane trips and tours departing from your town [Departing from Hyogo]

兵庫発 あなたの町から出発 列車・船・飛行機の旅・ツアーなら、クラブツーリズムにおまかせ!添乗員つきなら安心で快適です。ツアーの検索・ご予約も簡単。



  • 東北屈指の紅葉名所「鳴子峡」の紅・黄に染まるブナ・ナラ・カエデの観賞
  • 流れ落ちる滝の音と紅葉の情景が楽しめる「秋保大滝」や、銀山温泉街の散策付き
  • 山形蔵王のロープウェイや、イチョウのプロムナード「あづま総合運動公園」など紅葉名所を満喫


  • 姫路・西明石・新神戸から乗車可能!
  • 箱根・熱海・鎌倉の紅葉名所を2日間でコンパクトにめぐります!
  • 江ノ電や大涌谷など観光も充実!



  • 姫路・新神戸発着!姫路~新大阪間を新幹線利用
  • 上高地・白川郷・マウンテンハーバーへもご案内

Make sure you have plenty of time to stay there!

Charter flight to Rishiri and Rebun during the Sep. 3-day holiday


  • Only available on Sep. 14th! Departing during a 3-day weekend!
  • Enjoy island delicacies with a focus on the region they are from, such as half a hairy crab from the Okhotsk Sea and northern purple sea urchin from Rebun!
  • Because it's a charter flight, you'll get plenty of time to spend on-site! You'll Accommodation on both islands.
  • It's a safe departure decision.

To Hokkaido


  • We will take you to the drift ice and snow festival in one tour.
  • 参加のしやすい週末出発限定!
  • 復路は女満別空港から直行便で帰着!効率よくピンポイントに雪まつり・流氷観光を!
  • 2泊とも「5つ星の宿(※)」に宿泊。名宿をたっぷりお楽しみください

To Tohoku


  • 東北5県8つの名所へ!初めての東北旅行におすすめ
  • 松島、平泉・中尊寺、乳頭温泉郷、十和田湖、奥入瀬渓流、角館、銀山温泉散策など一度は行きたい観光地
  • 1泊目は「5つ星の宿(※)」&弊社基準Aランクホテルにご宿泊

To Kanto /Koshinetsu


  • 往復ともに姫路・西明石・新神戸駅に停車!
  • We will guide you to FUJIYAMA Twin Terrace, which can only be reached by authorized vehicles!
  • We will guide you to cool, summery views such as the Narusawa Ice Cave and the Fugaku Wind Cave!
  • It's a two-day event, so it's recommended for those who find it difficult to take time off!


  • 5つの乗物利用で長く歩きません!
  • 日光東照宮は案内人一部同行!
  • 新型特急スペーシアXに乗車!
  • 日光・華厳の滝・中禅寺湖など紅葉の名所へご案内!

To Hokuriku


Solo-Only Travel

Upscale Travel

Premium Stage Recommended Tours

Mystery Tour

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  • Search for trips anytime, anywhere!
  • Be the first to know about the best seasonal travel deals!