
「或る列車」乗車ツアー・旅行【関東発】 「或る列車」乗車ツアー・旅行【関東発】

If you want to take a tour or trip on JR Kyushu's 'Aru Ressha', Club Tourism to go! Tours with tour guides are well supported!
JR Kyushu's 'Aru Ressha' is a luxury train that is not inferior to Cruise train "Seven Stars in Kyushu."
It also started running as the 10th D&S train. A chef who continues to create dishes with a natural environment theme,
Enjoy the course meal produced by Yoshihiro Narusawa and the Kyushu nature passing by the train window. Tour search and reservations are also easy.




  • 極上の食・時・おもてなしを味わう「或る列車」を貸切乗車!
  • 「36ぷらす3」の月曜日ルートにご乗車。
  • 九州の人気の観光スポット、大分県の由布院散策や、長崎県の夜景観賞や南山手の散策、福岡県の柳川での舟下りなどにご案内します。
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  • A wide range of services exclusively available to members
  • Search for trips anytime, anywhere!
  • Be the first to know about the best seasonal travel deals!