[From Kansai] "Leisurely Travel "Domestic Travel (Train and Plane Tours)

[From Kansai] "Leisurely Travel "Domestic Travel (Train and Plane Tours) [From Kansai] "Leisurely Travel "Domestic Travel (Train and Plane Tours)

Club Tourism 's "Leisurely Travel" tour special! A relaxed itinerary that doesn't involve long distance walking. We will provide you with a relaxed and comfortable bus ride, Meals, and Accommodation! This tour was created based on your feedback, so please join us.

To Hokkaido

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • 客室から流氷を望む極上体験を!
  • 知床の宿泊は弊社基準Sランク・北こぶし&リゾートに宿泊
  • 阿寒湖温泉の宿泊では夜花火もご覧になれます。
  • 往復道東便利用で効率よく観光します。

There's more! Hokkaido tours

To Tohoku

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • 弊社基準Sランクホテル&「5つ星の宿」のあつみ温泉萬国屋に約17時間滞在!
  • 足元ゆったりシートバス利用!トイレ・化粧台付きなので寒い冬の東北でも安心
  • 山形の人気観光地、銀山温泉街、最上川舟下り、山居倉庫にもご案内!

There's more! Tohoku tours


To Hokuriku


To Kanto

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • Accommodation at Karuizawa Mampei Hotel, which will reopen Oct. 2024
    Accommodation in 3 classic hotels
  • Elegant lunch in two classic hotels
  • Use the green car on the Shinkansen and the bus with a vanity and toilet and spacious seating

There's more! Kanto tours


To Koshinetsu

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • 2泊とも弊社基準Sランクホテルに宿泊!
  • Relax in the legroom with this seat bus!
  • 信州産霜降牛のすき焼きなど信州の食材を活かしたグルメもお楽しみ!
  • 1泊目は源泉かけ流しの雪見露天風呂、2泊目はアルプスの山々や松本の城下町を望む絶景の展望露天風呂をお楽しみ!

There's more! Koshinetsu Tour


Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • 伊豆と熱海、2つの「5つ星の宿(※)」に宿泊
  • 新幹線はグリーン車利用
  • 2日目の昼食は伊豆の海の幸をご夫婦で食べ比べ

There's more! Tokai Tours

To Kansai

To Chugoku/ Shikoku

To Kyushu

Tours recommended by our staff


  • 長崎市内の弊社基準Aランクホテルに宿泊!
  • 長崎路面電車1日乗車券付きで各地のランタンフェスティバルをご堪能!
  • 2泊目は弊社基準Sランクホテルのホテルヨーロッパに宿泊!

There's more! Kyushu tours


To Okinawa

Tours recommended by our staff


  • Stay at Fusaki Beach Resort for 2 nights and a relaxing 35 hours
  • Enjoy a full local stay with a direct round-trip flight
  • We will visit all four islands: Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Island, Iriomote Island, and Yubu Island!
  • Dinner Day 1 will be island vegetables and Agu pork shabu-shabu

There's more! Okinawa tours

Mystery Tour

Themed Travel over 65s only

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