Shodoshima Tours & Travel

Shodoshima Tours & Travel Shodoshima Tours & Travel

If you are planning a tour or trip to Shodoshima, leave it to Club Tourism! With a tour guide, you can feel safe and comfortable. We will introduce you to tourist spots such as Olive Garden, Twenty-Four Eyes Movie Village, and Kankakei Gorge, as well as recommended hot springs on Shodoshima. It is easy to search for and apply for tours.

Staff Recommendations! Recommended Tours


  • はじめての瀬戸内海ツアーにおすすめ!
  • 瀬戸内の楽園「小豆島」と多島美を望むしまなみ海道にご案内
  • 2泊とも弊社基準Aランクの温泉宿のご宿泊、2泊目は四国の名湯道後温泉でお寛ぎ!




Upscale Travel

Premium Stage Recommended Tours

Club Tourism's top-class Domestic Travel

Royal Grand Stage Shiki-no-Hana: Premium Travel Experience Recommended Tours

Solo-Only Travel

Walking and hiking



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