
【東海発】四万十川旅行・ツアー 【東海発】四万十川旅行・ツアー

Club Tourism is your source for Shimanto River trips and tours! The last pure river, Shimanto River, is 196km long and offers many attractive courses, including boat rides, walks along the sunken bridges, and Accommodation on Shimanto River. Club Tourism 's website makes it easy to search for and book tours.

Recommended tours by train and plane




  • 松山城・四万十川・桂浜・大歩危峡・金刀比羅宮など、四国4県の一度は行きたい観光地を3日間でめぐります
  • 1泊目は名湯・道後温泉に宿泊!約17時間滞在で温泉街の自由散策もお楽しみ
  • お食事は宇和島名物の鯛めしや高知名物・かつおのたたきなど四国の味覚を堪能!

Premium Stage Recommended Tours

Recommended Tours For the New Year holidays


There's more! Tours by train and plane

Recommended tours by bus

Club Tourism's top-class Domestic Travel

Royal Grand Stage Shiki-no-Hana: Premium Travel Experience Recommended Tours

Sightseeing spots along Shimanto River


What is Shimanto River?

This great river is famous as the last clear stream in Japan. In spring, you can see a yellow carpet of rape blossoms, and on early summer nights, you can see the fantastic sight of fireflies scattering like fireworks. In addition, the natural riverbank is spanned by a "submerged bridge" without a railing, which was built to prevent the river from being washed away during high water, creating a tranquil landscape.

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