[From Tokai] Shimanami Kaido Tours and Trips

[From Tokai] Shimanami Kaido Tours and Trips [From Tokai] Shimanami Kaido Tours and Trips

Club Tourism Tourism offers tours and trips along the Setouchi Shimanami Kaido! With a tour guide, you can be fully supported! We introduce sightseeing spots such as "Onomichi", "Kurashiki", and "Tomonoura", as well as tours to Shodoshima and Bitchu Matsuyama Castle. Searching and booking tours is easy.

Recommended tours by train and plane





  • 松山城・四万十川・桂浜・大歩危峡・金刀比羅宮など、四国4県の一度は行きたい観光地を3日間でめぐります
  • 1泊目は名湯・道後温泉に宿泊!約17時間滞在で温泉街の自由散策もお楽しみ
  • お食事は宇和島名物の鯛めしや高知名物・かつおのたたきなど四国の味覚を堪能!

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Shimanami Kaido MAP



Onomichi is a hill town with a nostalgic appearance, where the old townscape remains. It is also known as a filming location for Nobuhiko's films. Why don't you walk along the slopes and alleys and think back to a scene from a movie?

Shimanami Kaido

The Shimanami Kaido, which connects Onomichi and Imabari City in Ehime Prefecture, is a bridge that takes you around six unique islands.
You can cross it by bicycle or on foot, so take a leisurely stroll while feeling the Setochi breeze.


The townscape of Kurashiki 's Bikan Historical Quarter, Honmachi and Higashimachi still retains a strong sense of old-fashioned atmosphere.
There are also many hidden gems dotted along the backstreets. Go out and find your own "Kurashiki".



Tomonoura was a place where Kitamae ships would dock and prospered as a "port for waiting for the tide." Enjoy fresh seafood dishes that can only be found in a port town while taking in the magnificent view of Sensuijima Island, which is said to make even hermits drunk.

Recommended sightseeing spots

High-speed cruiser "SEA SPICA"


This high-speed tourist cruiser began service in the summer of 2020 to allow more guests to enjoy the beauty of the Setouchi archipelago in a more luxurious way.



面積は、153.2km2、海岸線の延長は125.7km。資料によっては小豆郡の面積は170km2と表示されているのもあります。 最高峰は、星ヶ城山の817m。瀬戸内海の島の中で1番高い山です。小豆島も世界一狭い土渕海峡部分で小豆島本島と前島に分かれていて、現在3つの橋と1つの公園で繋がっています。

Kure (Yamato Museum/Iron Whale Museum)


The battleship Yamato is the world's largest battleship, built in secrecy Dec. 1941 at the Kure Naval Arsenal (a factory directly under the control of the navy) as a culmination of cutting-edge technology at the time. The 1/10 scale model of the battleship Yamato speaks to future generations of the importance of peace and the wonder of science and technology.



Mihara City is located almost in the center of Hiroshima Prefecture along the coast of the Seto Inland Sea and is blessed with a warm climate typical of the region. It serves as a key transportation hub, with the JR Sanyo Line, the Kure Line, ferries to the islands of Setouchi, and Hiroshima Airport in Hongocho. The view of the islands in the Seto Inland Sea is magnificent, and on clear days, you can even see the Shikoku Mountains. The photo shows the Shimanami as seen from Ryuo.

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle


The large castle tower, an important cultural property, is a multi-tiered structure with three floor and one basement, and was completed the year after the arrival of the Black Ships. It is the last complete castle structure of the Edo period. It is also the only one of the 12 surviving Tsuiki towers to have the Imperial Aoi crest on its roof tiles, as a sign of its master's construction. The large castle tower, Oama and corner tower are connected by corridors, and this group of castle tower structures, which were dedicated to military armaments, is said to be a typical example of a joint-style castle.

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