[From Chubu and Tokai] Mystery Tour and trips

[From Chubu and Tokai] Mystery Tour and trips [From Chubu and Tokai] Mystery Tour and trips

It's fun when you arrive! If you are looking for Mystery Tour, leave it to Club Tourism! A tour with a tour guide is safe and comfortable. We also introduce recommended tours in each area, as well as tours that combine themes such as hot springs, gourmet food, and seasonal events. Searching and applying for tours is easy.

Accommodation Mystery Tour by Bus

Predicting which path you'll take and where you'll end up is part of the thrill of this exciting Mystery Tour!

Recommended tours by our staff



  • 全25カ所!愛知・岐阜・三重・静岡 あなたの町から出発します
  • 温泉露天風呂完備のホテルに宿泊
  • 1泊4食付き(弁当含む)!1日目夕食は地産地消のバイキングをご用意!(約60分間)



  • バスガイドが同乗!バス車内のご案内もお任せください
  • ホテルは話題のオールインクルーシブ、ホテルのラウンジや食事会場は飲み放題です
  • 1泊4食付き(弁当含む)!2日目は2種類から選択ください

There's more! Accommodation Mystery Tour

One-day Mystery Tour by bus

Predicting which path you'll take and where you'll end up is part of the thrill of this exciting Mystery Tour!



  • 嬉しいお持ち帰り!紅ズワイ蟹丸ごと1杯(約250g)・○○牛のロース牛(約80g)・クラフトビール1缶(350ml)
  • 金運上昇のご利益がある○○国の一宮や年間約200万人が訪れる人気観光地にもご案内


  • ブランド牛!〇〇牛すき焼き鍋と蟹すき焼き鍋のダブルすき焼き鍋の昼食をご用意!
  • 国内で水揚げされた〇〇海産の紅ズワイ蟹(約250g)をまるごと1杯!とブランド牛!〇〇牛のロース肉(約80g)をお持ち帰り
  • 観光も盛りだくさん!〇〇大社や○○城・城下町にもご案内!創業約170年の老舗酒蔵も!

Mystery Tour by train and plane

Recommended tours by our staff

[Leisurely Travel] Participation limited to those aged 65 and over


  • Enjoy an elegant cruise in a deluxe ocean-facing room for the first night!
  • On the second night, we stayed at a hotel that is scheduled to be rebranded and reopen in 2024 for about 17 hours!
  • On the third night, you'll stay at a hotel certified as a "Platinum 5-Star Inn (※)" for a full 18 hours!
    *"5-star Platinum Inn" certified by the Tourism Economics Newspaper

KNT-CT 70th anniversary project!


  • \We're offering a special trip to show our appreciation/
    ~Thank you for 70 years, we will continue to be together with you~
  • The first night will be spent at a luxury hotel that is making its debut Nagoya Club Tourism
  • The second night is spent at a long-established inn that boasts 28 different types of hot springs.
  • In celebration of the 70th anniversary!
    ①7 fulfilling meals included!
    Day 1: Kamameshi set meal with side dishes
    Day 2 Lunch: Fresh seafood rice bowl
    ②Visit 7 tourist attractions including World Heritage Sites!

There's more! Tours by train and plane

Solo-Only Travel

Search Mystery Tour by Theme

Club Tourism Internet Membership Information
  • A wide range of services exclusively available to members
  • Search for trips anytime, anywhere!
  • Be the first to know about the best seasonal travel deals!