[From Tokai] Tohoku Michinoku Local Line Tours and Travel

[From Tokai] Tohoku Michinoku Local Line Tours and Travel [From Tokai] Tohoku Michinoku Local Line Tours and Travel

Club Tourism 's Tohoku Michinoku local line tours and trips! With a tour guide, you'll be well supported! We introduce many nostalgic train journeys, including the Gono Line, which is popular nationwide as a local line that everyone wants to ride at least once. Tour search and reservations are easy.




  • リゾートしらかみ、津軽鉄道ストーブ列車、三陸鉄道に乗車!
  • 三陸鉄道は貸切運行!車内で海女ちゃんガイドが見所をご案内!
  • 黄金崎不老ふ死温泉の立ち寄り入浴もお楽しみ



  • 開業100周年を迎えるJR大船渡線、絶景のJR五能線に乗車
  • 三陸鉄道は車内で海女ちゃんガイドが見所をご案内!車内で食べる海鮮弁当も
  • オプション申込者限定!旧JR岩泉線Nゲージ運動会を開催!

Take Tsugaru Railway

Take the Gono Line

Take Sanriku Railway

Sanriku Railway Club Tourism Chartered Ride

A casual 2-day, 1-night trip! A crab-filled dinner with 2 crabs

Limited departure on 12/31! Sanriku Railway "First Sunrise Train"

There's more!

Take Akita Inland Line

Take the Aizu Railway

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