[From Kansai] Travel to Japan's hidden places and spectacular views by train or plane

[From Kansai] Travel to Japan's hidden places and spectacular views by train or plane [From Kansai] Travel to Japan's hidden places and spectacular views by train or plane

Club Tourism for tours and trips to hidden places and spectacular views of Japan that you want to visit at least once! We provide full support for tours with tour guides! We introduce famous spots and recommended tours. Tour search and booking are also easy.

Search for hidden places and spectacular tours by destination

A tour of Hokkaido 's hidden regions and spectacular views

A tour of remote areas and spectacular views to Tohoku


  • 北山崎断崖クルーズ。高さ約200mにも及ぶ断崖が屏風のように切り立った岩が続く姿は、別称「海のアルプス」と呼ばれているほどの絶景を海から見学!
  • 食の宝庫、三陸!1泊目の夕食は3・4月が毛ガニ1杯、5月~8月は三陸産生うにをご用意!
  • 2泊目は弊社基準Sランク、「5つ星の宿(※)」の温泉宿に宿泊!


  • We will guide you to Hotokegaura, a mysterious and magnificent sight created by nature over many years! You will land right in front of you on a sightseeing boat!
  • Eat it in the original place! Oma tuna is exquisite!
  • Both nights Accommodation at a hotel that is rated A by our standards!

Kanto tour with hidden places and spectacular views

A tour of hidden places and spectacular views along the Koshinetsu route

A tour of hidden places and spectacular views in Hokuriku

A tour of hidden places and spectacular views in the Tokai region

Tours recommended by our staff


  • 寸又峡「夢のつり橋」にたっぷり3時間滞在
  • 南あるぷすアプトで絶景の奥大井湖上駅を通過
  • 奥大井湖上駅が一望できる展望所へもご案内


  • Ride the only Abt-type trolley train in Japan, the Southern Alps Abt Line! Passing through the spectacular Oku-Oi Kojo Station
  • Take the Nihon-daira Ropeway to Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, a place associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu
  • View Mt. Fuji from the boat! Other enjoy Shizuoka gourmet food such as sushi

There's more! Recommended tours to Tokai

A tour of hidden places and spectacular views Kansai

A tour of hidden places and spectacular views to San'in San'yo and Shikoku

Kyushu and Okinawa: Hidden Lands and Spectacular Scenery Tours


Upscale Travel

Premium Stage Recommended Tours

Club Tourism's top-class Domestic Travel

Royal Grand Stage Shiki-no-Hana: Premium Travel Experience Recommended Tours

Solo-Only Travel

Walking, hiking and mountain climbing

Themed Travel (hobbies/preferences)

Independent Travel (Organized by Kinki Nippon Tourist)

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