
【関西発】列車・飛行機で行く日本の秘境・絶景ツアー・旅行 【関西発】列車・飛行機で行く日本の秘境・絶景ツアー・旅行

Club Tourism for tours and trips to hidden places and spectacular views of Japan that you want to visit at least once! We provide full support for tours with tour guides! We introduce famous spots and recommended tours. Tour search and booking are also easy.

Search for hidden places and spectacular tours by destination

A tour of Hokkaido 's hidden regions and spectacular views

A tour of remote areas and spectacular views to Tohoku



A tour of hidden places and spectacular views in Hokuriku

A tour of hidden places and spectacular views in the Tokai region

Tours recommended by our staff


  • 中型バスでしか行けない秘境「寸又峡 夢のつり橋」へご案内
  • 奥大井レインボーブリッジを含む5つの絶景ブリッジを渡る!
  • 大井川トロッコ列車「南アルプスあぷとライン」に乗車


  • 国内唯一のアプト式トロッコ列車「南アルプスあぷとライン」に乗車!絶景の奥大井湖上駅を通過
  • 日本平ロープウェイで徳川家康公ゆかりの地「久能山東照宮」にご案内
  • 船から富士山を眺望!その他お寿司など静岡グルメもお楽しみ



A tour of hidden places and spectacular views to San'in San'yo and Shikoku



Upscale Travel

Premium Stage Recommended Tours

Club Tourism's top-class Domestic Travel

Royal Grand Stage Shiki-no-Hana: Premium Travel Experience Recommended Tours

Solo-Only Travel

Walking, hiking and mountain climbing

Themed Travel (hobbies/preferences)

Independent Travel (Organized by Kinki Nippon Tourist)

Club Tourism Internet Membership Information
  • A wide range of services exclusively available to members
  • Search for trips anytime, anywhere!
  • Be the first to know about the best seasonal travel deals!