Hakuba/Tsugaike Travel and Tours

Hakuba/Tsugaike Travel and Tours Hakuba/Tsugaike Travel and Tours

Club Tourism for Hakuba and Tsugaike trips and tours! Our tour conductors and staff will provide you with full support. We introduce recommended tours where you can enjoy the great outdoors, such as Hakuba Happo-one, Tsugaike Kogen, Hakuba Iwatake, and Hakuba Goryu. Tour search and reservations are also easy.

Recommended tours by train and plane

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • 長い距離を歩かずに白馬の絶景を満喫!
  • 白馬岩岳・ハクバマウンテンハーバーを当ツアーで早朝に特別貸切!
    空気の澄んだ早朝の絶景を望みながら、「THE CITY BAKERY」のモーニングセットをどうぞ。
  • 眺望抜群の「白馬マウンテンビーチ」でおしゃれなカフェタイム♪(ソフトドリンク1杯付き)
  • 信州を代表する観光道路を爽快ドライブ!霧ヶ峰・ビーナスラインへ
  • 清らかな湧き水と自然の豊かな信州安曇野に広がる日本屈指のわさび園・大王わさび農場へ

There's more! Recommended tours

Club Tourism's top-class Domestic Travel

Royal Grand Stage Shiki-no-Hana: Premium Travel Experience Recommended Tours

Solo-Only Travel




There are many more! We will introduce you to some of the most stunning spots in Japan!

Mount Ibuki

Photo courtesy of Biwako Visitors Bureau

Ibuki Mountain, the highest peak in Shiga Prefecture, has been selected as one of the "100 Famous Mountains" and the "New 100 Famous Flower Spots." The area around the summit, which can be reached by bus, is filled with Takayama plants, making it a great place to casually enjoy flower watching.

Shiga Highlands


Shiga Kogen is an expansive natural landscape with 2,000-meter-class mountains, numerous lakes and marshes, virgin forests, alpine plants, and more. In particular, we recommend strolling and hiking around the 48 ponds, where cotton grass grows in abundance.

Senjojiki Cirque


Senjojiki Cirque, located in the alpine zone at an altitude of over 2,500 meters, is a flower garden in the sky. When you get off the ropeway, you will find yourself in a flower garden where alpine plants are blooming in abundance. You can enjoy the alpine plants while walking along the promenade.

Independent Travel (Organized by Kinki Nippon Tourist)


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