Shine Muscat Picking/Grape Picking Tour/Travel

Shine Muscat Picking/Grape Picking Tour/Travel Shine Muscat Picking/Grape Picking Tour/Travel

Club Tourism 's Shine Muscat Picking and Grape Picking Tours and Travel Special! Popular Shine Muscat Picking, Kyoho All-You-Can-Eat, Tours with Takeaway, and more. Enjoy freshly picked grapes that can only be tasted at a grape picking trip! Tour conductors and staff will provide full support. Searching and booking tours is easy.

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About Grape Picking

When is the season for picking Shine Muscat grapes and grapes?

The grape-picking season for Kyoho, Shine Muscat and other varieties is from Jul. to Nov..
Club Tourism 's tours allow you to enjoy grape picking in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, which are famous as major grape-producing areas.

About grape varieties



Kyoho grapes
Season: Jul. to Nov.
The skin is purple-black, the fruit is large, about 10 to 15g, the flesh is firm and juicy, and it has a good fragrance, a strong sweetness and a gentle acidity.
It's a grape that has been popular for many years.



Shine Muscat
Season: Aug. to Oct.
A green grape variety registered in 2006. It is large, has a muscat aroma, a high sugar content of around 20 degrees, and low acidity. Most are seedless, and the skin is thin, so it can be eaten whole. It has become a popular variety in recent years.



Season: Usually from May to Sep.
The grapes are small and have a subtle fragrance, but are rich in juice. They are high in sugar and seedless, making them easy to eat. They are in season from July to Aug., but greenhouse-grown varieties are available from around May.



Season: Jul. to Nov.
The grapes are deep purple to purple-black in color, very large and satisfying to eat. They are juicy, with a sugar content of over 16 degrees, and have a strong sweetness and a supporting acidity. Seedless cultivation has become popular recently, and they are as popular as Kyoho grapes.



Sunny Dolce
Season: Usually from Sep. to Oct.
This is a relatively new variety that was registered in 2009. It is mainly grown in Yamanashi Prefecture.
These seedless grapes can be eaten with the skin on. They have a crisp texture and a refreshing aroma.

Tips for choosing delicious grapes


We recommend ones that are dark in color, have a firm surface, and are covered with a white powdery substance called bloom. Also, choose ones that are densely packed with fruit with no gaps.

Nutrition and benefits of grapes


As many of you may know, grapes contain a lot of polyphenols. They are especially abundant in the skin and seeds, and are said to be effective in preventing cancer and arteriosclerosis. In addition, carbohydrates such as glucose and fructose directly serve as a source of nutrition for the brain, stimulating brain function and improving concentration.


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