Club Tourism Selected Accommodation tours and trips Club Tourism Selected Accommodation tours and trips

Club Tourism Selected Accommodation tours and trips! We offer "5-star accommodations", our S-ranked accommodations, accommodations with in-room dining plans, accommodations with rooms with open-air baths, and small, Selected Accommodation with 20 or fewer rooms. How about a tour where you can relax and unwind from the daily fatigue? Booking is easy.



  • 「プロが選ぶ日本のホテル・旅館100選」各地区1位の名旅館に7泊!
     【1泊目・九州地区第1位】 指宿温泉「指宿白水館」
     【2泊目・中国地区第1位】 玉造温泉「佳翠苑皆美」
     【3泊目・近畿地区第1位】 湯村温泉「佳泉郷井づつや」
     【4泊目・中部地区第1位】 下呂温泉「水明館」
     【5泊目・北陸地区第2位】 山代温泉「ゆのくに天祥」
     【6泊目・甲信越地区第1位】 月岡温泉「白玉の湯・華鳳」
     【8泊目・北海道地区第1位】 阿寒湖温泉「あかん遊久の里鶴雅」
     【9泊目・東北地区第1位】 母畑温泉「八幡屋」
  • 7泊目は優雅な日本海クルーズ!専用テラス付きのデラックスA客室でごゆっくり。
  • 日本各地の名物グルメをお楽しみ<28食付>
  • 北から南まで観光も充実!
  • 新幹線は全区間グリーン車確約!バスは全区間トイレ付ゆとりシートバス利用!

"Five-star accommodation"

Five-star certification criteria ("Five-star accommodation" is certified by the Tourism Economics Newspaper Company)
1. The hotel must have been selected as one of the "Top 250 Popular Hot Spring Hotels" at least five times in total.
2. The hotel must be selected as one of the top 250 popular hot spring inns and hotels for the given year.

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*This tour includes one or more nights' Accommodation at an S-ranked hotel.

Our S-ranked accommodation

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*This tour includes Accommodation of one night or more at a hotel with an in-room dining plan.

Accommodations with in-room dining plans

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*This is a tour that includes one or more nights' Accommodation at an inn with an open-air bath.

Accommodation with rooms featuring open-air baths

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*This tour includes one-night Accommodation or more at accommodations with 20 or fewer rooms.

Small Selected Accommodation with 20 or fewer rooms

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Mystery Tour tour with stay at Selected Accommodation

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