[From Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu] Family trips and tours

Family Holidays and Long Vacations Special
[From Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu] Family trips and tours [From Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu] Family trips and tours

Club Tourism to go for family trips and tours! Our tour conductors and staff are there to support you. We introduce the best recommended tourist spots for family trips, and attractive tours such as "I want to go with my kids!" and "I want to go with my grandchildren!". Searching and booking tours is easy.

Introducing recommended tours that the whole family can enjoy!

We offer tours recommended for family trips, such as three-generation trips with grandchildren.
We also have tours that depart during periods when your child's elementary school is on holiday, such as Golden Week and summer vacation.
We offer a variety of tours throughout the year, including aquariums and zoos that the whole family can enjoy.
Why not go on a trip to create some memories with your family?

From Chugoku/ Shikoku

From Kyushu

Recommended tours by bus

Recommended tours by train and plane

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Independent Travel (Organized by Kinki Nippon Tourist)

【博多駅発≪南九州DE 超回復≫お得な「限定列車つばめ号」で行く鹿児島への旅!】

鹿児島サンロイヤルホテル ツイン 2・3名1室 2日間


【博多駅発≪南九州DE 超回復≫九州新幹線「みずほ・さくら・つばめ号」&特急「きりしま」で行く宮崎への旅!】

ANAホリデイ・インリゾート宮崎 和室 2~5名1室 2日間

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