Kyushu and Okinawa area (Hakata, Beppu, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Yakushima, Naha)

Kyushu and Okinawa area (Hakata, Beppu, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Yakushima, Naha) Kyushu and Okinawa area (Hakata, Beppu, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Yakushima, Naha)

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Kyushu area tourist spot introduction

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門司港 河内藤園 太宰府天満宮 柳川 伊万里・有田 ハウステンボス 五島列島 別府温泉 湯布院温泉 黒川温泉 熊本城 阿蘇山 高千穂峡 青島 霧島 桜島 奄美大島 屋久島
門司港 河内藤園 太宰府天満宮 柳川 伊万里・有田 ハウステンボス 五島列島 別府温泉 湯布院温泉 黒川温泉 熊本城 阿蘇山 高千穂峡 青島 霧島 桜島 奄美大島 屋久島




Mojiko, which flourished as an international trading port from the Meiji to Showa periods, is a tourist destination with an attractive retro townscape. Rows of historical brick buildings create a nostalgic atmosphere. Historical buildings such as the former Moji Mitsui Club and the former Osaka Shosen tell of the prosperity of the time. From the observation deck overlooking Kanmon Straits, a magnificent view of the ocean unfolds. Especially at dusk, you can enjoy the collaboration of a beautiful sunset and the night view of the port.
You can enjoy delicious food such as Mojiko 's specialty grilled curry, fugu dishes, and fresh seafood. We also recommend the sweets served at the retro café.
Mojiko is a fascinating tourist destination that combines history, culture, and beautiful nature.

Kawachi Fuji Garden



Kawachi Fuji Garden is a famous flower spot, famous for its fantastical tunnel of wisteria flowers that looks like a painting.
The highlight is the wisteria tunnels. Two tunnels, 80m and 110m long, are filled with wisteria flowers of various colors, including white, blue-purple, and pink, creating a spectacular view.
During the flowering season from late Apr. to early May, 22 kinds of wisteria flowers bloom in the vast garden of 10,000m2, and the beauty is breathtaking. It is also known as a spot that many photographers visit, as it is perfect for taking photos on social media.

Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine



Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is a shrine located in Dazaifu City, about 20 minutes south by train from Hakata. The shrine enshrines Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning, and is visited by many students during exam season. It is also a popular tourist destination representing Fukuoka, and not only the grounds but also the approach to the shrine are lined with charming shops. Amulets are available in various forms, including academic charms and charms for warding off disasters and misfortunes. Two types of goshuin (red seal) are available at the goshuin counter next to the main hall: Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine and Tenkai Inari Shrine. The initial offering is a "donation," but it is recommended to give around 300 to 500 yen. There are many restaurants in front of Nishitetsu Dazaifu Station, and you can have lunch at Hakata ramen.




Yanagawa, about 50 minutes from Hakata, is a water town. Formerly known as a specialty eel production area, "steamed eel" was invented by the owner of "Gensho Motoyoshiya" in the mid-Edo period. This specialty dish is steamed eel kabayaki and rice together, and happiness will come over you when you bite into the fluffy eel! Another specialty is the river boat ride, which goes around the moat of Yanagawa Castle, which was built about 420 years ago. Why not spend a relaxing time experiencing Yanagawa's nature, with cherry blossoms in spring, greenery in summer, and autumn leaves?

Imari and Arita


These two areas are known for their pottery, Arita ware and Imari ware. Arita is said to be where the first porcelain in Japan was fired, while Imari is known for its art pieces such as "Ko-Imari". However, not all of the items are expensive. We recommend taking a stroll around the area looking for pottery for everyday use.

Huis Ten Bosch


Nagasaki's most famous theme park, which recreates a European cityscape. As the name Huis Ten Bosch (= Forest House) suggests, the theme is "coexistence with nature," and the flowers that bloom throughout the seasons are beautiful.

Goto Islands


"Osezaki Observatory"

Located at the westernmost tip of Kyushu, it is known as "the last place on the Kyushu mainland where the sun sets," and faces the rough waters of the East China Sea. The spectacular scenery created by the sheer cliffs eroded by the fierce winds and waves is a sight to behold.

Beppu Hot Springs



A general term for the hundreds of hot springs in Beppu City, which faces the sea next to Oita City. Beppu City is known as the "hot spring city" with the highest number of hot springs and the largest amount of hot spring water in Japan. The natural hot springs have been turned into tourist attractions known as "Hells," and bus tours are also popular. According to Beppu City, there are seven types of hot springs, including simple hot springs and carbon dioxide springs, and each type of spring has its own medicinal properties. You can enjoy a day trip to the hot springs at Takegawara Onsen, which has a gorgeous karahafu-style roof. The "sand bath," where sand heated in the hot spring is poured over you, is a famous attraction.
*Tours may not be available depending on Departure Place

Yufuin Hot Springs



This hot spring area spreads out at the foot of Mt. Yufu, located almost in the center of Oita Prefecture. The spring quality is simple hot spring water, which is effective against neuralgia, muscle pain, and joint pain. Since the 1970s, the town has been working to improve the environment with female guests in mind, allowing you to relax and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Many inns offer day-trip bathing, and local delicacies such as Yufuin Gold Award Croquettes are also appealing. We recommend staying Accommodation to relax and unwind, or stopping by for a day trip.

Kurokawa Hot Springs


Kurokawa Onsen is located in the quiet mountains, further inland from Aso Kumamoto It is a hot spring resort popular with foreign tourists, with quaint hot spring inns lined up along the mountain stream. There are many inns with elaborate open-air baths, such as "Yama no Yado Shinmeikan", famous for its hand-dug cave bath, and "Yamamizuki", where you can bathe while listening to the babbling of the river. After bathing in three open-air baths of your choice with the "bath pass", a Kurokawa specialty, you can enjoy shopping for sweets made with fresh local ingredients such as pudding and looking for souvenirs. Since it is a small hot spring town, you can enjoy it to the fullest even on a day trip. Kurokawa Onsen is easily accessible to popular tourist areas such as Aso, Mount Kokonoe, and the Yamanami Highway, so we recommend combining your trip with a scenic drive.

Kumamoto Castle


Blessed with abundant nature and spring water sources, Kumamoto is also known as the "City of Water" and is a beautiful place loved by literati such as Natsume Soseki and Koizumi Yakumo. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Kumamoto is Kumamoto Castle. The lord of Higo, Kato Kiyomasa, built the castle over a period of seven years, using the latest civil engineering technology at the time. It is famous for its stone wall "Musha Return", which was built to protect the castle from enemies. The Kumamoto Castle Festival, held every spring and autumn, is full of events where you can experience the history and charm of Kumamoto Castle. In addition, in spring, cherry blossoms bloom around Kumamoto Castle, and you can enjoy the contrast between the cherry blossoms and the castle. Kumamoto Castle was severely damaged by the Kumamoto earthquake that occurred in 2016. The restoration work was successfully completed, and from Apr. 2021, the complete restoration of the castle tower was completed, and you can visit the inside.



Aso an active volcano located in central Kyushu. Officially, the collective name for Aso Five Mountains (Takadake, Nakadake, Nekodake, Eboshidake, and Kishimadake) is Aso. A caldera has been formed, which is large by global standards, and there is even a town inside it where people live. If you come here, you should visit Daikanbo, which overlooks Aso. The white smoke rising from the crater of Mount Aso Nakadake is also very impressive. You can also visit the crater on the Aso Loop Shuttle, a ropeway replacement bus. In contrast, you can enjoy the idyllic atmosphere of Kusasenrihama, where horses graze in the pastoral scenery. In the surrounding area, there are Tochigi Onsen and Aso Uchinomaki Onsen, which have been blessed by the volcano, and are recommended for soothing your travel fatigue.

Takachiho Gorge


Takachiho Gorge, created by lava flowing from the eruption of Aso, is one of Kyushu's most spectacular spots. The cliffs stretch for 7km, reaching up to 100m in height. This area is also known as the legendary land of the descent of the heavenly grandson, and is home to numerous myths related to Amaterasu Omikami and Takachiho Night Kagura, and in recent years has attracted many people seeking spiritual relaxation.



Aoshima is a rare subtropical plant community that has been designated a special natural monument by the nation. At low tide, you can reach Aoshima by walking on the wavy rocks known as the "Devil's Washboard." Aoshima Shrine, which occupies the entire island, is said to be the "strongest power spot for matchmaking" as it is also the site of the romance between Yamasachihiko and Toyotamahime.

Kirishima area


Kirishima has many hot springs where you can enjoy spectacular views that will help you forget about your daily life. Myoken Onsen is the central area of the Shinkawa Valley Hot Springs Village. Other notable hot springs include Kurinodake Onsen, where Saigo Takamori is said to have been soothed, and Hinatayama Onsen, the oldest in Kagoshima Prefecture.



Sakurajima, which floats in Kinko Bay and has a circumference of about 52km, is a composite volcano that continues to erupt on a small scale. The Yunohira Observatory, located at an altitude of 373m on Mt. Kita-dake, is the highest point accessible to the public and offers a close-up view of the rugged mountainside. The best time to visit is at dusk. The beauty of Sakurajima dyed red by the setting sun and the sun sinking over the sea is a must-see. At Sekisui Observatory, there is a monument called "Portrait of the Scream" made from about 50 tons of Sakurajima lava, which is a popular photo spot.

Amami Oshima


Amami Oshima is located in the ocean south of Kyushu, almost halfway between Kagoshima City and the main island of Okinawa. A distinctive feature of the island is that a large part of it is covered in forest. The ocean area where these rich forests grow is covered with coral reefs. The charm of Amami Oshima is not only its nature, but also the culture that the islanders have nurtured, such as the Tanaka Isson Recent Art Museum, a Japanese painter who depicts the nature of Amami, and Oshima Tsumugi silk.
It was registered as a World Heritage Site Jul. 2021.



Yakushima is located about 60km south-southwest of Cape Sata in Kagoshima Prefecture, and is nearly circular with a circumference of about 130km (about 28km east-west, 24km north-south). Not only is about 90% of the area covered by forest, but the entire area is also mountainous, and there is a precious natural environment that can only be found here. In 1993, it was registered as Japan's first World Heritage Site along with Shirakami Sanchi Mountain Range.

Introducing tourist spots in the Okinawa area

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大石林山 沖縄美ら海水族館 万座毛 那覇
大石林山 沖縄美ら海水族館 万座毛 那覇



It is located in a quasi-national park encompasses a shrine of Ryukyu mythology, and offers a variety of sights, including strange rocks, huge boulders, subtropical forests, and magnificent panoramas.

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium


This aquarium is located in the northern part of Okinawa's main island. In the large tank with a capacity of 7,500 m3, you can see whale sharks and manta rays, which are about 8.7 meters long, swimming. At the "Aqua Room" beyond the large tank and the "Kuroshio Exploration" where reservations are not required, you can observe the whale sharks from directly above and below. At the "Okichan Theater", which is a 5-minute walk from the aquarium, you can enjoy a free dolphin show. At the shop inside the aquarium, you can purchase unique souvenirs such as stuffed manatees and garden eels, and chinsuko sweets.

Cape Manzamo


Cape Manza is a cliff made of Ryukyu limestone. It is said that the king of Ryukyu called it "enough for ten thousand people to sit on," and that the word "mo" comes from the dialect for grassland. The top of the cliff is a flat plaza, and the grass and plants there are designated as natural monuments of Okinawa Prefecture.



Naha is the gateway to Okinawa and a fascinating city where Ryukyu history blends with modern vitality.
Kokusai Street is a place where you can enjoy both sightseeing and dining, with many shops selling local delicacies such as Okinawa soba and traditional crafts. It is a must-see spot where you can fully experience the charm of vibrant Okinawa.
There are many other attractions, such as Shuri Castle, Naminoue Beach, and Tsuboya Yachimun Street.

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Kyushu Sightseeing Train

Beppu Hot Springs



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