[From Chubu/Tokai] Tokyo /Yokohama/Kamakura tour/trip

[From Chubu/Tokai] Tokyo /Yokohama/Kamakura tour/trip [From Chubu/Tokai] Tokyo /Yokohama/Kamakura tour/trip

Club Tourism tours and trips to Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kamakura! Our tour conductors and staff will provide you with full support. We introduce many trips to famous places in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kamakura. Bookings are easy.

Tours recommended by our staff



  • \今までとここが違う!お客様のご意見にお応えして"3日間バス利用"にリニューアル!/
  • 5つの時代を巡る旅~明治・大正・昭和・平成・令和~
  • 4か所[皇居・国会議事堂・豊洲市場・迎賓館赤坂離宮]ではガイド同行でご案内
  • 東京のシンボル!東京タワーと東京スカイツリー(R)の天望デッキもご案内
  • 2024年オープンで話題の新スポット!豊洲千客万来にもご案内
  • 行程2日目昼食は築地市場で握り寿司の昼食をご用意
  • 行程1・2日目夕食は各自フリー!宿泊先プランよりお好きなホテルをお選びください。





Upscale Travel

Premium Stage Recommended Tours


A remote island in the middle of the ocean!

Visit the Ogasawara Islands, a World Natural Heritage Site

\On each departure date, we will guide you on a small-group trip with only 8 people allowed/

Tour to Hachijojima, the southernmost paradise of the Izu Seven Islands

Easy day trip by train

There's more! Tours by train and plane

Bus Tour

Club Tourism's top-class Domestic Travel

Royal Grand Stage Shiki-no-Hana: Premium Travel Experience Recommended Tours

Solo-Only Travel

Themed Travel (hiking, hobbies, interests)

There's more! Tokyo sightseeing tours

Special tour of the State Guest House, Akasaka Palace

Tokyo Skytree® Special Feature

Tokyo New Discovery Travel Special

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