[From Kansai] Accommodation bus tours and trips

[From Kansai] Accommodation bus tours and trips [From Kansai] Accommodation bus tours and trips

Club Tourism to go for Accommodation bus tours and trips! Our tour conductors and staff will provide you with full support. We introduce tours to hot springs and other recommended seasonal spots. Searching and booking tours is easy.

Recommended now! Tours highly recommended by our staff


  • 全87箇所!あなたの町から出発します!
  • 弊社基準Aランクのホテルには早めの16:00に到着予定、朝もゆっくり9:00出発
  • こだわりの1泊4食付き!夜食や地酒の飲み比べも
  • 夕食は、握り寿司や揚げたての天ぷらなど地元の幸を含むバイキング(約90分)

Top 3 Accommodation bus tours



Recommended autumn foliage tours

秋・冬の味覚 カニツアー




Married Couples Only tour


Mystery Tour


※「5つ星の宿」は観光経済新聞社(R)認定 ※「5つ星の宿」に1泊以上宿泊するツアーを掲載しています

Royal Cruiser Shiki-no-Hana Recommended Tours

Leisurely Travel

Solo-Only Travel

This is also recommended!

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