Kasumi Crab Day Trips and Accommodation Tours

Kasumi Crab Day Trips and Accommodation Tours Kasumi Crab Day Trips and Accommodation Tours

[Special Crab Tour] Enjoy the king of winter delicacies, crab, with Club Tourism! We have a wide variety of tours available, including a trip to taste tagged brand crabs, a full crab course Meals, and more. Enjoy a blissful time.

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What is the tagged brand crab "Kasumi crab"?

Characteristics of Kasumi crab

Kasumi crab (Image)

The red snow crab that is only landed at Kasumi fishing port is called "Kasumi crab."
Crabs raised in the nutrient-rich deep ocean waters are characterized by their firm, juicy meat and refined sweetness.
Like Matsuba crab, it can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including boiled crab, hot pot, grilled crab, and crab sashimi.

The fishing area where Kasumi crabs are landed

Fishing boat (Image)

Kasumi crabs are landed at Kasumi fishing port in Kami Town, Hyogo Prefecture. Fishing is allowed every year on Sep. 1st, and they are caught using the "red snow crab pot fishing" method, in which crabs are lured into pots.

The best season for Kasumi crab


The season for Kasumi crab begins around Sep. every year.
The peak season for delicious Kasumi crab is from Sep. to May.

Recommended hot springs in Hyogo Prefecture

Kinosaki Onsen


This hot spring has been known since the Heian period and has a history of 1300 years. It is famous for its seven outdoor baths, and there is a wide range of rental yukatas. There are many shops in the hot spring town, and you can enjoy eating while walking and shopping. Kinosaki Onsen has been visited by many literary figures from the Edo period to modern times, such as Tetsukan Yosano, Akiko, and Toson Shimazaki, among them Shiga Naoya, who wrote the novel ``At Kinosaki'' based on his experiences while recuperating from an injury. I have visited it more than a dozen times in my life, including writing about it. 24 literary monuments have been erected in public baths and places associated with the area, and the literary walk to visit them is also very atmospheric.

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