Club Tourism

Club Tourism TOP > Inquiries before applying for a tour

Inquiries before booking a tour

Please check before contacting us

Please check the "Frequently Asked Questions" before contacting us.
Frequently Asked Questions ▶

If the problem persists, please fill out and submit the inquiry form below.

For inquiries regarding your booked tour, please see below.
Inquiries regarding tours after application ▶

■ Country of residence[Required]
■ Email address[Required]

(Please enter it again to confirm)

(Please enter in half-width characters in the format xxx@xxxx)
*Please note that we will send you an email to this address, so please make sure you enter it correctly.

■ Inquiry details[Required]

<お問い合わせフォームの受付時間> 受付は24時間ですが、回答は営業時間内となります。
【営業時間】 月曜日~金曜日 9:15~17:30(UTC+09:00)
【休業日】 土曜日・日曜日・祝日・年末年始


Personal Information Policy

<About Personal Information Protection>

To prevent unauthorized access, loss, leakage, etc. of Personal Information you enter, we will appoint a manager and establish regulations for handling Personal Information, and actively implement safety measures against these risks.

Personal Information you enter will not be provided to third parties without your consent.

Personal Information you enter will be strictly managed by our company and will not be used for any purpose other than improving our services and the quality of our tours.

Personal Information you enter will not be provided to third parties, except when requested by administrative or judicial authorities such as the police, based on the law.

If we outsource all or part of the handling of Personal Information to an external party, we will provide appropriate supervision to the outsourcee.

Please read and agree to the "Personal Information Handling" before using this service.
Personal Information you submit will not be disclosed to third parties without your prior consent.

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