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Introducing popular spots and attractions in Aomori Prefecture

Introducing tourist spots in Aomori Prefecture

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八甲田山 弘前公園 奥入瀬渓流
八甲田山 弘前公園 奥入瀬渓流

Oirase Stream



Oirase Stream stretches for about 14km from Towada 's Nenokuchi to Yakeyama. There are walking paths along the river, where you can enjoy picturesque scenery such as the 20m wide, 7m high Choshi Falls and Ashura no Nagare, where water rushes over moss-covered rocks.
*Tours may not be available depending on Departure Place

Mt. Hakkoda



Mt. Hakkoda Mountains is made up of 18 peaks, including the main peak "Hakkoda Daidake" at an altitude of 1585m. Each mountain spreads out beautifully on all four sides, so it is characterized by the many rivers, beautiful valleys and waterfalls that can be seen. Tourist attractions include the "Snow Corridor" made of snow walls over 10m high, and Sugayu Onsen, a famous hot spring resort located at an altitude of 900m on Daidake.
*Tours may not be available depending on Departure Place

Hirosaki Park



Hirosaki Park, with its approximately 2,600 cherry trees in full bloom, is known as one of Japan's three major cherry blossom viewing spots. Within the park is Hirosaki Castle, built by Tsugaru Narinobu in 1603. It is the only castle tower still standing in Tohoku, and is a valuable building that still retains its Edo period appearance.
*Tours may not be available depending on Departure Place

Oirase Stream



Oirase Stream stretches for about 14km from Towada 's Nenokuchi to Yakeyama. There are walking paths along the river, where you can enjoy picturesque scenery such as the 20m wide, 7m high Choshi Falls and Ashura no Nagare, where water rushes over moss-covered rocks.
*Tours may not be available depending on Departure Place

Mt. Hakkoda



Mt. Hakkoda Mountains is made up of 18 peaks, including the main peak "Hakkoda Daidake" at an altitude of 1585m. Each mountain spreads out beautifully on all four sides, so it is characterized by the many rivers, beautiful valleys and waterfalls that can be seen. Tourist attractions include the "Snow Corridor" made of snow walls over 10m high, and Sugayu Onsen, a famous hot spring resort located at an altitude of 900m on Daidake.
*Tours may not be available depending on Departure Place

Learn more about the attractions of Aomori Prefecture


What on earth does it taste like? "Miso curry milk ramen"

Aomori is rich in both mountain and sea foods, such as apples, Oma tuna, and scallops! Amidst all this, B gourmet foods are also gaining momentum, and many of them are nationally famous, such as Hachinohe senbei soup and Towada bara-yaki (bara-yaki is a type of bara-yaki made in Hachinohe).
One B-Grade gourmet that stands out from the rest is "Miso Curry Milk Ramen".
Aomori The ramen of Hachinohe is famous for Tsugaru Ramen and Shijimi Ramen, but this "Aomori Miso Curry Milk Ramen" has also been popular among the locals for nearly 40 years.
It was developed by the owner of a ramen restaurant in Sapporo. Aomori He started the store to promote Sapporo's ramen to the people in Sapporo, and "Aomori Miso Curry Milk Ramen" was born. At the time, it was popular among junior high and high school students to order ramen in various combinations, and the combination of "miso," "curry," and "milk" was born.
The flavor base is miso ramen. Curry flavor is added to it, and milk is used to give it a mild taste. As you will see when you try it, the flavors do not fight each other, but come together to create a very tasty combination. Aomori Why don't you try it when you visit the restaurant?


The ever-evolving "Rice Field Art" of Inakadate Village

Blessed with rich water systems and majestic mountains, Aomori is a major rice producer. Aomori is also famous for its "rice field art," which uses rice paddies as canvases.
Rice field art is now being created all over Japan, but it was Inakadate Village in Aomori Prefecture that pioneered it. Apparently it started as part of a village revitalization initiative. It started in 1993 with three colors of rice. It has continued to evolve since, and now uses seven colors of rice. The intricate and delicate art, which has a three-dimensional feel that makes it hard to believe it was made with rice, is so popular that it attracts tourists from not only Japan but all over the world.
Another appealing feature of rice field art is that it uses nature, so its appearance changes depending on the weather, location, and time of year. The slightly faded, nostalgic rice field art seen before the harvest from Sep. to Oct. is also beautiful.

Real-time information on Aomori

2023.05.29 十和田湖畔 赤 緑 青のコントラスト。 #クラブツーリズム青森 #十和田湖
2023.05.29 十和田湖畔 赤 緑 青のコントラスト。 #クラブツーリズム青森 #十和田湖
2023.05.29 石ヶ戸休憩所から 深呼吸、散策タイムです。 #クラブツーリズム青森 #奥入瀬渓流
2023.05.29 新緑の奥入瀬渓流は マイナスイオンたっぷりです。 #クラブツーリズム青森
2023.05.29 車窓から新緑の奥入瀬渓流 滝の数々です。 #クラブツーリズム青森 #奥入瀬渓流
2023.05.29 秋に真っ赤なをつけるナナカマド。 この時期ちょうど花が満開です。 こんなに可愛く咲いていても なかなか気づかれない 白く小さい花々。 ぜひとも近づいて見てくださいね。 #クラブツーリズム青森
こんにちは。東北大好きOです。 桜を見物に弘前にやってきました。今年は史上最速の早咲きだそうですっかり満開でした。 天気は今ひとつで肌寒いながらも多くの人が花見を楽しんでました。お堀の水面に桜の花びらが散った眺めは弘前城ならではの景色で東北の中でもお勧めの桜スポットです。 #東北 #クラブツーリズム青森 #東北旅行 #桜スポット #東北桜 #青森観光 #弘前公園 #弘前城 #行くぜ東北 #東北カメラ部 #東北カメラ小僧 #japanoninsta #japanofinsta
2022.12.22 車窓からの十和田湖です。最後の2枚は発荷峠で下車して撮った写真です。曇り空からの一瞬の青空と青い湖がきれいでした。 #クラブツーリズム青森
2022.12.17 バスから降りた石ヶ戸休憩所からの写真です。ここにもつららが軒先に出来ていました。 #クラブツーリズム青森
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