[From Ibaraki] Kumamoto trip/ Kumamoto tour

[From Ibaraki] Kumamoto trip/ Kumamoto tour [From Ibaraki] Kumamoto trip/ Kumamoto tour

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Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto Castle (Image)

The famous general Kato Kiyomasa poured his heart and soul into constructing the castle over a period of seven years, beginning in 1601, making use of his many years of battle experience.
The castle is a terraced flatland castle. It has large and small castle towers, 49 yagura (turrets), 18 turret gates, and 29 castle gates. The castle covers an area of approximately 98 hectares (the size of 21 Tokyo Domes) and has a circumference of approximately 5.3 km. It is a magnificent structure, known for its elegant stone walls known as Kiyomasa-ryu stone walls and advanced castle construction techniques that skillfully utilize the natural terrain. The stone walls make extensive use of a type of stone called "musha-gaeshi" that starts off gently sloping but becomes nearly vertical as it goes up.

Although it was partially burned down during the Seinan War in 1877, the entire Kumamoto Castle was designated a historic site and its buildings a national treasure in 1933. In 1960, Kumamoto Castle tower was restored and it is now known as Kumamoto Castle.

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