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吉野山 奈良公園 石舞台古墳
吉野山 奈良公園 石舞台古墳



The entire mountain is registered as a World Heritage Site, "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range," and is known as Japan's best place to see cherry blossoms. There are various viewing areas, such as the Kami Senbon area and the Shimo Senbon area, where you can enjoy different views. The view from Hitome Senbon, where you can see a thousand cherry blossoms at a glance, is particularly spectacular. The best time to see the cherry blossoms is in Apr., and they are lit up during that period. You can take Japan's oldest ropeway, "Yoshino Ropeway," to the top of the mountain, and enjoy the spectacular view from inside the car.

Nara Park


This vast park includes the World Heritage sites of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Todaiji Temple, and Kofukuji Temple, and is a unique "historical park" that is also popular as a place of relaxation for the people of Nara. The deer that live in the park are designated as a national natural monument. In the center of the park is the comprehensive facility "Yumekaze Hiroba," which contains 13 restaurants and souvenir shops related to Nara, and is a popular spot for tourists.

Ishibutai Kofun








千年受け継がれる匠の技 「奈良筆」

9世紀ごろ、遣唐使として唐を訪れていた空海が帰国した際、中国の仏法や美術品、さまざまな書物などを持ち帰ります。その中に、毛筆の作り方も含まれていました。空海監修のもと、最新の毛筆製法を学んだ坂名井清川 (さかないのきよかわ) という人物が奈良で筆を作り、嵯峨天皇に献上したそうです。これが奈良筆のルーツだとか。


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