Ibaraki Travel/Ibaraki Tour

Ibaraki Travel/Ibaraki Tour Ibaraki Travel/Ibaraki Tour

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茨城旅行 出発地別人気ツアー


茨城旅行 ツアーを探す



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偕楽園 筑波山 国営ひたち海浜公園
偕楽園 筑波山 国営ひたち海浜公園



Famous as one of the three great gardens of Japan, Kairakuen was founded in 1842 by Tokugawa Nariaki, the lord of Mito, who personally designed and built the garden. It is famous for its plum blossoms, with around 3,000 plum trees of 100 varieties planted. The beauty of the six varieties of plum trees known as the "Mito Six Famous Trees," with their excellent flower shapes and fragrance, is a must-see. There are attractions throughout the year, with cherry blossoms in spring, azaleas in early summer, and maples in autumn. From Kobuntei, which was once Nariaki's villa, you can look down on the magnificent scenery of Lake Senba and the Takurume Plum Grove.

Mt. Tsukuba


「日本百名山」に数えられる標高877mの筑波山は、初心者でも登りやすい山として人気があります。四季折々の風景が楽しめるのが魅力で、春には約1,000本の梅が咲き誇り、秋には色とりどりの紅葉が広がります。道中には変わった形の岩石が見られる 「奇岩怪石スポット」や、つくば名物のうどんを味わえるレストランもあります。関東平野を一望できる山頂までは、ロープウェイやケーブルカーも利用できるので、気楽に絶景を堪能できます。

Hitachi Seaside Park


Hitachi Seaside Park located in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Prefecture. The vast site covers an area of approximately 200 hectares and includes the Pleasure Garden, an amusement park marked by a Ferris wheel, the Forest Athletic Plaza, where you can play with 13 types of play equipment, and a barbecue area. Particularly popular is Miharashi Hill, where you can enjoy flower fields that change with the seasons. In summer, nemophila flowers paint the whole area blue, and in autumn, the mysterious fluffy plant, kochia, turns bright red. You will definitely be overwhelmed by the beauty of the plants.








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