Ishikawa Travel / Ishikawa Tour

Ishikawa Travel / Ishikawa Tour Ishikawa Travel / Ishikawa Tour

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石川旅行 出発地別人気ツアー


石川旅行 ツアーを探す



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金沢城 兼六園 白米千枚田
金沢城 兼六園 白米千枚田

Kanazawa Castle


Kanazawa Castle is a symbol of Kanazawa and is loved by the people of the prefecture. It was built by Sakuma Morimasa in 1580 on the site of Oyama Gobo, which was built in 1546. The castle walls are characterized by a design that emphasizes horizontal lines. At the castle's main entrance, Ote, there is a huge stone called Kagamiishi, which is taller than a person, and was used to demonstrate the clan's technological prowess. The Tsurumaru Warehouse within the castle is also designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. In summer, autumn, and winter, a limited-time "Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen Garden Light-up Event" is held, so you can enjoy a fantastic night stroll.

Kenrokuen Garden


Located in the center of Kanazawa City, this tourist spot conveys the history and culture of the "Kaga Domain, home to a million koku of rice." This daimyo garden was built by Tsunanori, the fifth head of the Maeda clan, as an annex to Kanazawa Castle, and is one of Japan's three most famous gardens, designated as a special national scenic spot. In spring, the winding stream and rows of cherry trees in full bloom on both banks as seen from Hanamibashi Bridge are magnificent. In autumn, Yamazakiyama near Kodatsunoguchi on the north side is famous as a spot for viewing autumn leaves, and you can encounter solemn, dignified scenery. In winter, as snow piles up, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of snow hangings that Image the image of gold leaf.

Shiroyone Senmaida


Shiroyone Senmaida is a terraced rice field made up of 1,004 small rice paddies stacked on top of each other, and is one of Oku-Noto's most spectacular spots. It shows off different faces throughout the seasons, with rice planting in spring, fresh greenery in summer, golden yellow in autumn, and snowy scenery in winter. The sunsets are especially popular, and the glittering light of the setting sun reflecting off the Sea of Japan and the rice paddies is truly spectacular. Illumination events are also held from Oct. to Mar.. Also, at the nearby Roadside Station Senmaida Pocket Park, you can enjoy a menu of local ingredients, such as rice balls made with rice from Senmaida.




金沢屈指の人気観光エリア、「ひがし茶屋街」。紅殻格子の町屋が建ち並ぶ光景は、まるで別世界のよう。茶屋街としてにぎわったかつての姿を残しながらも、新しいショップやお洒落なカフェなども続々と登場し、訪ねる人を飽きさせない魅力に溢れています。茶屋とはそもそも、お茶を飲むところでも、お茶を売っているお店でもなく、芸妓が粋で雅な芸で客をもてなす大人の社交場。折角訪ねたのだから、お茶屋遊びがしてみたい……と思うかもしれませんが、残念ながら、「一見さんお断り」のしきたりが今も守られています。しかし! 金沢で一番大きいお茶屋建築の「懐華樓」では、一見さんでもお茶屋遊びが体験できる「艶遊会」が一般公開されている日もあるとのこと。金箔で織られた畳の茶室や輪島塗の階段、加賀友禅など絢爛たる内装は必見です。「ひがし茶屋街」でしか味わえない、貴重な体験をしに、是非訪ねてみてください。



加能ガニ、香箱ガニ、ノドグロ、岩ガキ、寒ブリ、甘エビ……厳選された地物の魚を中心に、季節ごとに旬の魚介を購入することができる「いきいき魚市」は、地元の人々にも愛される活気のある市場。水揚げからわずか3時間で店頭に並ぶという数々の魚。当然ながら鮮度抜群です! 地元の方はもちろん、お土産を買い求める観光客でいつも賑わっています。注目は今年オープンした「屋台処」。今までは近くの食堂などに足を伸ばさなければ食べられなかった「いきいき魚市」に卸される新鮮な魚介の数々を、すぐその場で楽しむことができるイートインスペースです。握り寿司、海鮮丼、ノドグロのホイル焼き、ゲンゲの天ぷら、カレイのあんかけなど、日毎に異なる絶品グルメが並びます。イートインコーナーで食べるのは勿論、テイクアウトもOK。取れたての美味しいお魚を是非味わってください。


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